
Welcome to DIET Kamrup (Metro)

District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) Kamrup (Metro) is a newly created district level training institution established in the year 2024. It is situated at Khankar, Chandrapur, Guwahati. DIET Kamrup (Metro) has been rendering quality training to the elementary and secondary school teachers as well as imparting administrative training to the block level officers like BEEO,SI, CRCC etc.

Alakesh Datta

Alakesh Datta

Principal, DIET Kamrup (Metro)

Principal's Desk

It is true to say that “The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth”. We must always be on the lookout for fresh information and be willing to learn it when it comes to education.

The most crucial component of every educational programme is the teacher. At every level, the primary person in charge of carrying out the educational process is the teacher. It follows that the of teacher education cannot be questioned.