• DIET plays an important role as a district level academic nodal institution to conduct both pre-service and in-service training of the teachers.
  • A need based training both for short term and long term is conducted in the DIET and it supports to the teachers in professional and leadership development.
  • As a district level institution it provides scope for the teachers, teacher educators and the teacher trainees to undertake action research.
  • The main function of DIET is to train and orient the teachers and to make them aware of the new pedagogy and innovations.
  • Academic and resource support to the teachers.
  • Organise training prog for continuous professional development of the teachers.
  • Curriculum and material development and extension activities.
  • Evaluation and monitoring of the quality education of the schools.
  • Collaboration with different stakeholders
  • As a resource centre DIET plays an important role.
  • Community engagement is an important function of DIET.
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